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NWW LIVE Teaching

This is for you if you:

1. have a stack of self-help books on your nightstand and so much of what you read speaks right to you.

2. feel that you are spiritual, but not necessarily religious. You connect with your Higher Self, Higher Power, Spirit, God, but aren’t necessarily connected to a particular religion…and if you are a churchgoer, that’s great too!

3. are open to explore your inner world, you’re curious about different processes and ideas, and you can sit for at least 15 minutes without looking at your phone.


As New World women, we are exploring the boundaries of our relationships, careers, life purpose and taking time to know ourselves more deeply so that we can each bring our unique gifts to the world. We have much to learn from the ancient cultures who focused on the inner world for thousands of years.

When you truly discover your Higher Self, your Inner Divine Presence, and you begin to trust the insights and guidance you receive from within, you’ll uncover a deep calm and clarity that informs and transforms your daily life. You’ll connect easily with the wisdom of the heart. As you trust the process of your unfolding inner awareness, you’ll come to celebrate and appreciate your unique gifts and find joy in sharing them with the world.

My yearlong program will introduce some powerful ancient mind-body-spirit teachings and practices to transform your everyday life situations and problems.

As a New World Woman you are on the leading edge of a legacy that celebrates the Divine Feminine in all her wisdom and power.

Rev. Dr. Patricia Keel

Session Titles & Descriptions

Recorded live on Zoom - All women welcome

Replays available for Members


WEALTH Ways: Love, Tranquility, Wisdom

Session 1
FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2024, 1:00 PM Central

Alphabet Soup for the Soul
My ABC Formula is a modern translation of an ancient Hindu teaching around a mystical triangle. Learn a quick fix to get centered and calm or to find solutions to the busy mind of daily life. Explore Chakras and Kundalini energy in this simple practice.

Session 2
MONDAY, JULY 22, 2024, 1:00 PM Central

The Lotus Factor – Why Mud Matters
The lotus flower is rooted in the mud. Like most of us, it flowers in the LIGHT and is nourished by the dark, messy stuff underneath the surface. What Mud has contributed to your best self?

Session 3
MONDAY, AUGUST 26, 2024, 1:00 PM Central

Wisdom of the Heart — Super Charge Your Intuition
Learn the power of the heart and tap into the Heart Chakra to find greater clarity, wisdom and super connection to your Highest Vibe.

Session 4
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2024, 1:00 PM Central

Ego Games – For Control Freaks and Perfectionists
Most of us are totally unaware of the creepy, insidious power that our Ego has on our most cherished relationships. In the arcade of life, this is one GAME you’ll want to master.

Session 5
MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2024, 1:00 PM Central

Your Super Power – Move Beyond Stress, Shame, Fear and Anxiety
Cultivate awareness of what is pushing your buttons, triggering your less-than-gracious reactions and turning you into your worst memories of your mother.

Session 6
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2024, 1:00PM Central

Confident You – What’s Holding You Back from Being YOU
We’ll discover some of our confidence “zappers” and uncover ways to boost and claim the best of who we are. We will find faith in ourselves!

Session 7
MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 2025, 3:00 PM Central

I Fought the Law and the Law Won - Chaos and Order: From Crazy to Calm
Learn three simple keys to pull the energy out of your overwhelmed mind, your troubled relationships, chaos around money or career issues.

Session 8
MONDAY, MARCH 24, 2025, 3:00 PM Central

Procrastination Class is Postponed –Just kidding!!
Find out the root cause that keeps you from doing what you know will move you to your desired dreams and goals. It’s in every one of us.

Session 9
MONDAY, APRIL 24, 2025, 3:00 PM Central

Spinning Plates is for the Circus! – It’s Time to Park Your Clown Car
When you find yourself in overwhelm, with too many things to do, you need to let the plates fall, put your sticks down and find your own center.

Session 10
MONDAY, MAY 28, 2025, 3:00 PM Central

Authentic You – Beyond the Makeup and the Mask
If you were an iceberg, what is hiding under your waterline? Are you a different personality with different people in your life? What’s up with that?

Session 11
MONDAY, JUNE 26, 2025, 3:00 PM Central

Life is Relationship – Smoke Gets in Your Eyes
You will be shocked to see how easily you have learned to manipulate others and how unaware you are of your own very self-centered nature.

Session 12
MONDAY, JULY 23, 2025, 3:00 PM Central

What Matters Most – Discover Your Personal Value System
This class will begin the process of finding what you value most and give you more to reflect on as you integrate your values with your actions and resources.

About Your NWW Luminary Teacher

Rev. Dr. Patricia Keel is a dynamic speaker, teacher and spiritual coach who offers practical wisdom to help people live happy productive lives. Patricia integrates over 30 years of teaching metaphysics and positive prayer as Founding Minister of Unity of Berkeley, with the Eastern wisdom and mystical practices of meditation from her 18 years of study in India.

Patricia has a Doctor of Ministry degree from Matthew Fox’s University of Creation Spirituality now Ubiquity University. Her doctoral focus was the Reinvention of Work, aligning her passion to bring spirituality into our everyday lives.

Everyday Awakening is the mission of Patricia’s work, fueled by her study at Ekam, a philosophy and meditation school in southern India. In June 2012, Patricia was initiated as one of 26 Oneness Meditators in North America. She’s an Advanced Oneness Trainer and One Consciousness Transformer.

She is currently serving as part time Unity minister in the SF Bay Area and excited to join New World Women as a Luminary. Her monthly program brings Ancient Wisdom to New World Women. Through processes, wisdom, meditation and reflection we’ll open the 7 Portals to the Divine Feminine.

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