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NWW LIVE Teaching

This is for you if you:

1. are struggling to make ends meet and you are ready to have your bills paid and an abundance of money in your bank account.

2. are dependent upon another for your financial security and you are ready to experience your own financial independence and wealth.

3. live in fear that your financial situation will never change and you are ready to experience true financial freedom.

4. are tired of your bank account determining what you can and can’t do and you are ready to be the boss of your money.

5. are tired of limited life choices due to a lack of financial abundance and you are ready to choose what you want to do based on your desires, not how much money you have.

6. are exhausted by being in agreement with lack and you are ready to empower yourself by being in agreement with prosperity, abundance, and wealth.


We are spiritual beings having a spiritual experience in this physical world. We are born 100% complete and perfect while being fully equipped and resourced for all that we desire in our life.  The desire we experience in our life is our soul’s yearning for a freer, fuller expansion of itself and to be fully expressed on this physical plane.  Wealth, prosperity, and abundance are part
of our soul’s yearning. It is a divine part of our life!

As women, we often make life choices based on our financial needs.  Scarcity of finances causes us to make unhealthy decisions in relationships and in what we do with our time--dishonoring and sacrificing ourselves, and often staying at jobs where we check our souls at the door.

Our healthy financial independence and well-rounded wealth allow us to live the way we want to live and to give the way we want to give. We were not designed to struggle in poverty. We are to be in harmony with all of the freedoms that life offers.

Financial independence and freedom are two of the most profound freedoms we can experience.

You will learn how to take control of your financial life, become financially successful, and increase your prosperity, abundance and wealth by using Spiritual Principles, Universal Laws and the Energy Codes.

Each class is infused with connection and resonance of your higher self, your own divine consciousness, and inner knowing that you are abundantly wealthy. There are governing and immutable laws that dictate our results…the ones we want and
the ones we don’t want. We will be working within the parameters of these laws so you begin to live, in real-time, the financial successful results you desire.

Nada Hogan

Session Titles & Descriptions

Recorded live on Zoom - All women welcome

Replays available for Members


WEALTH Ways: Abundance, Health, Wisdom

Session 1
The Stories That Keep Us In Financial Lack
Our subconscious mind, and the stories it holds,  is in control 95% of the time. We will make decisions based on untrue stories that keep us repeating the same patterns and generating the same results.

Session 2
Our Financial Results Happen With Us, Not To Us
There is a vibrational frequency to wealth and we must be a vibrational match to that frequency so we can experience true wealth.

Session 3
Creating A Wealthy Vision
Our mind is always thinking in pictures and we take actions based on those pictures. Creating what we DO want in our mind creates the wealthy action steps that we will take.

Session 4
Befriending Our Fears Around Money
We are more than likely going to feel fear as we navigate a new way of living inside of abundance. Fear can be used as a navigational tool, our inner GPS, to keep us on track.

Session 5
Breaking The Habit of Paradigms
Paradigms are mental programs that have almost exclusive control over our habitual behavior and almost all of our behavior is habitual. Once we are awake to our paradigms, we can break our habits with them.

Session 6
The Law of Attraction and the Science Behind It
The Law of Attraction is a secondary law. The primary law is the Law of Vibration. Everything in the universe is energy, including us, and has a vibrational frequency to it. When we align ourselves with the frequency we want and we will attract what is at that level.

Session 7
The Law of Receiving
As women, we tend to give and give at our own expense.  It is necessary to adjust ourselves to become receptive to the good we desire.

Session 8
The Law of Increase
Appreciation and gratitude for what we already have actually increases the abundance and prosperity in our lives.

Session 9
Using Your Body, Mind & Breath To Increase Your Healthy Abundance
The body sends signals to the mind about how we are feeling before the mind has a chance to write a story. Becoming aware of our body’s input to the mind and using our breath we will build the circuitry necessary for full-spectrum prosperity, abundance, and wealth.

Session 10
Forgiveness Increases Our Wealth
Holding resentment, anger and wrong-doings will only block the prosperity and abundance coming to us. Forgiveness releases the interference between us and love…the greatest of all prosperity, abundance, and wealth.

Session 11
Acting As If
Our thoughts and feelings rearrange the very molecules that make up our world. Acting “As If”  we are already financially abundant not only feels fantastic, we cause the effect (our financial abundance) we are desiring.

Session 12
Plant and Cultivate Seeds of Financial Success and Growth
We have been planting seeds, rich or poor,  in our financial world for years. Here, we will decide what we want and we will consciously focus and plant healthy, wealthy, prosperous abundant seeds to fuel our financial well-being.

About Your NWW Luminary Teacher

Nada is the founder of Dare Ah New Belief Spiritual Transformational Coaching, where changing your beliefs changes your life.

She has served clients in the healing arts field for more than 35 years. She earned her collegiate degrees in Sociology, Occupational Therapy, Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. 

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