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Replay Description
About this replay:

Music and the sound environment impacts our immune system, health and general sense of well-being.

There is a power in music and yet most people do not know how to access this power. In this presentation you will learn practical ways to harness this power in your life to greatly increase your wellness levels.

Learn about listening techniques versus playing your own music and how to evaluate which is more therapeutic.


1. Learn how to evaluate your own sound environment.

2. Learn how our bodies synchronize with external rhythms.

3. Learn how the Native Flute has been used as a healing tool.

About this Luminary
Rev. Dr. Patricia Keel
Janalea Hoffman
Music Therapy Pioneer

When Janalea studied Music Therapy, most of the jobs were in highly specialized institutions with special populations. She heard the following stereotype many times, "Oh, I know about Music Therapy. It is for children and the elderly!" This is so untrue, because it leaves out many people who also need music therapy!

MUSIC THERAPY IS FOR EVERYONE! Janalea’s mission has been to create a Music Therapy private practice that focuses on using music as a wellness tool for all ages, especially adults who may not know that music can be an integral part of their wellness program. Her passion has been to develop techniques that help with everyday health challenges.

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